D. Chonkadze Str

Information in details

The house, located at 4, Chonkadze St. in the modern "Art Nouveau" architectural style, was built in 1903-1904 by the architect Mikhail Ohanjanov on the plot of land owned by Anna Madatova. Anna Madatova left Georgia after Sovietization and died in Paris in 1926. She was buried in Pearl Lashes Cemetery. The building is not visible from Chonkadze Street. That's why in Tbilisi it is called the "hidden house". With the parade staircase arranged in a deep tunnel, we find ourselves in the entrance of the building, where, unlike the tunnel, the wall painting is still preserved today. From the terrace of the entrance, it is possible to get to the yard, which leads to Gergeti Street. Despite a number of interventions, the building is characterized by a high degree of authenticity. The dome-shaped arbor  with high artistic-architectural value (there is a legend, as if the architect Ohanjanov had a arbor-like structure specially built, from which the view of the Kukia cemetery, where a member of the Madatov family was buried) could be seen, requires urgent intervention. Serious structural problems threaten both the lives of residents and the building's stability.