Ilia Chavchavadze Literary-Memorial Museum

Information in details

The building located at 7, Iv. Javakhishvili St. has, first of all, a memorial value. From 1888 to 1901, the famous Georgian writer, poet, publicist, and political figure, the leader of the National Liberation Movement of Georgia, Ilia Chavchavadze, with his wife, Olga Guramishvili lived and worked here in the house of his sister, Elizabeth Chavchavadze-Saginashvili. The active years of Ilia's social, political, and creative life are connected with this house. The editorial office and printing office of the Iveria newspaper, founded by Ilia himself, were located here. In this building, Ilia's traditional "Thursdays, " where the country's progressive-minded society gathered, literary evenings, and bank meetings were held. Currently, the building houses the Literary-Memorial Museum of Ilia Chavchavadze, where various materials related to the life and work of the writer are preserved: memorial items, personal archives, various editions of his works, as well as his Literature dedicated to creativity and life: scientific works, monographs, articles, essays, documentary and photo material, works of fine art and others. The building was built in the 1880s by the order of Elizabeth Chavchavadze's husband, General Aleksandre Saginashvili, which is why it was often referred to as "Saginashvili's house". It is the so-called Tbilisi residence of the last quarter of the 19th century. It is a typical example of an income house. The house, which attracts attention with its luxurious and lavish decorations, is one of the best examples of pseudo-baroque architecture in the city.