G. Tabidze Street

Information in details

The residential house located at 18, G. Tabidze St. - according to archival data, was owned by Minas Safarov in 1892-1894. Since 1911, as we know from the inscriptions at the entrance, the owners of the building are Seylanov brothers, tobacco manufacturers. The building was built in 1905 by Ghazar Sarkisian, an Armenian architect from Tbilisi. In addition to the facade composition, the painted entrance of the building is interesting, the painting of which belongs to the Italian artist, Benedict (Beno) Tallingater. The details in the interior of the entrance are made in Andreoletti workshop. The building is one of the outstanding examples of Tbilisi architecture. The wall painting preserved here, is similar to the painting in #93. Agmashenebeli Ave.  Illustrations created by Nikoloz Karazin, an artist from the time of Tsarist Russia, are used in both entrances.