Giorgi Atoneli Street

Information in details

Standing at the intersection of streets of 23, G. Atoneli St., a large-scale corner three-story residential house opens up to the environment from all angles and is equally visible from both sides. Therefore, the building plays an important role in the given development and also plays a dominant role from the point of view of town planning. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, The facade of the constructed building is decorated with European architectural forms and bears the signs of baroque eclecticism. The building is divided into two different buildings from the side of Atoneli Street and the yard, however, according to the architectural ornament, facade composition, and planning, they are one building. Compared to the facade facing V. Orbeliani Lane, the one facing Atoneli Street The main facade is more imaginative, which emphasizes its advantage. This is confirmed by the symmetrical fee composition of the central risalite, balustraded parapet, head-to-door, or balconies. Ulo leans and It easily attracts the viewer's attention. The building had three painted entrances. During the rehabilitation works carried out in 2022, the wall painting in the interior of one of them was restored. According to the tradition of a Tbilisi residential house, the European-style facade of this building is replaced by an inner courtyard invisible to the street. The shared, small courtyard building is almost surrounded by all sides, which is why it has the appearance of a courtyard well. Simple wooden balconies are attached to partially unplastered brick walls, and the dominant element of the overall composition of the courtyard facade is the center wing of the entrance, whose plain brick walls are divided by windows. Overall, the small and compact inner courtyard is exceptionally cozy and intimate. It is worth noting the entrance, in which there is a stone staircase surrounded by an iron railing, and the floor is covered with small black and white tiles.