Alexander Griboedov Street

Information in details

The building located at 20, Griboedov St. is adjacent to the historic Arshakuni Palace complex. When observing the photos of the 19th century, a two-story building can be seen in the mentioned area, however, at the beginning of the 20th century, the city made a step towards modernity, and the construction of an apartment house was also planned in the area of our interest. The architecture of the rather unusual configuration of the house was entrusted to Mikhail Kalashnikov, as an experienced master of multi-apartment, comfortable modern housing. The first thing that characterizes the specialness of the building is the skill of placing the multi-apartment house on a not so large section, which is due to its configuration and planning. The building is of the Russian "Л" shape, which is why a small cozy yard-square is formed on the front side of Griboedov Street. The building, in a small yard, plays an important role in the overall artistic-architectural arrangement of the street, in addition, despite the multi-storey, it organically uses the uneven location of the terrain and harmoniously fits in it. The new, six-story building did not violate the overall artistic or architectural concept of the historically formed street, but was able to organically fit in it with separate architectural techniques. The wings of the buildings are equal, accented by open balconies. The place where they merge is curved (balconies are located), thanks to which the corners of the wings smoothly flow into it. The composition is completed by the rounded glass bands at the ends of the wings, which brings a kind of softness to the overall architecture.