Lado  Asatiani Street

Information in details

The project of the house located at 38, Asatiani st. was approved by the Tbilisi City Council on April 5, 1913, and the building was built in 1914. In 1915, the building was submitted to the "Competition of Building Facades" announced by the City Council, which aimed to select the best facades of buildings built in 1914. The author of the house project is Tbilisi architect G. Alajani, and the owner of the house is Giorgi Magakiani, a well-known doctor in Tbilisi. The building is one of the interesting examples of the modern "Art Nouveau" style and stands out among the existing buildings with its characteristic facade. It has its own architectural and planning features. In particular, the plan of the house, the facade of the yard, the stained glass in the lunette of the entrance door, which has a special value. The building plays an important role in creating the individual architectural appearance of the city.