Galaktion Tabidze Street

Information in details

The building located at 24, G. Tabidze St. was built in 1896, the sign indicating the date is fixed on the roof of the middle floor on the top of the tunnel leading to the yard on the side of Asatiani Street. The third floor was added to the house in 1932, without considering its artistic appearance. The building is perceived as an organic part of Asatiani and Galaktion streets and Sololaki district in general. This is facilitated by both its scale (despite the rough intervention) and the architectural-artistic appearance of the facade, which was based on the Renaissance and Baroque forms interpreted in the 19th century. The facade of the house is distinguished by specially processed highly artistic sculptural profiles and decorative elements. In the hall, near the entrance door, on the floor, which is a mosaic, there is an inscription of the owner of the house (Evelina Ter-Akopova) made of black marble in Russian and also brass inscription of the name A. Andreoletti to whom the building's decorative finish belongs.