Public school

Information in details

The building located at 4, Kikodze St. was originally built as a residential house, the owner of which was I. Kharazov. In 1918-1921, the French embassy functioned in the building, the consul of which in Georgia was the famous French traveler and entrepreneur Jacques-Francois Gamba. He traveled to the Caucasus twice and on his return to Paris published a detailed account of his travels. It was on his initiative that the French consulate was established in Tbilisi.

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the efforts of Ilia Chavchavdze, the primary gymnasium was located in the building. Later, after Sovietization, Labor School #14 was established on the "ruins" of the main gymnasium. Later, the second experimental school N39, now it is the home to #public school N50.

As part of the public school, Jacob Gogebashvili and Niko Ketskhoveli worked in the building. Ilia Chavchavadze himself often visited the school. Konstantine Gamsakhurdia, Leo Kiacheli, Akaki Shanidze, and other public figures taught at the school. The building is an outstanding example of modern Art Nouveau architecture, the rich decoration of which is used both in the facade composition and in the interior. The building is characterized by complex forms and high artistic construction or artistic-architectural value.