1, A. Tbileli (former Kasheni) St.

Information in details

The two-story building located at 1, A. Tbileli (former Kasheni) St. occupies a large area at the corner of Abo Tbileli Street and L. Gudiashvili Square. The corner house built in the style of baroque eclecticism dates back to the end of the 19th century. Plastic jewelry is collected on the second floor. Decorative plastering The rusted first floor is continued by the second floor divided by the equal rhythm of the windows and pilasters. The facade composition accentuated by corner risalites and openwork metal balcony is symmetrical, orderly, and "strictly organized". The building contains all the traditional components of the spatial organization of a Tbilisi residential house; According to the local tradition, it has an inner courtyard invisible to the street, which is occupied by a three-step metal staircase. There are small balconies between the marches. The house opens to the street and yard space with open work wooden balconies, which is an additional artistic value of the building.