Mikheil Tsinamdravishvili Street

Information in details

The two-story residential house with refined proportions, built at the turn of the 19th-20th century, located at 33, M. Tsinamdzgvrishvili St., attracts attention with its graceful facade in an eclectic style. - The windows are divided by verticals marked with equal rhythm and decorative rust. The residential house practically contains all the traditional components of the spatial organization; According to the local tradition, it has an inner courtyard invisible to the street, in which a large part of the wooden ornamental balconies arranged on the entire perimeter of both floors have been preserved. The building is an integral and organic part of the artistic-architectural development of the historically formed Tsinamdzgvrishvili Street and is another notable example of a Tbilisi residential house typical of the given artistic era.