V. Petriashvili St.

Information in details

The rather voluminous, three-story building located at 8, V. Petriashvili St. belongs to the beginning of the 20th century and follows the fashionable and popular modern "Art Nouveau" aesthetics at the time, although the overall decoration of the facade is also influenced by Art Deco, which is indicated by its characteristic motif - garlands tied into a crown. . This should explain the quietness and restraint of the facade divided by the even rhythm of the rectangular doors and windows and flanked by end risalites, which, together with the decorative plastering and gray coloring of the facade wall, creates an impression of monumentality to the visitor. Despite everything, the "softened" facade with the Ar Nouveau style still looks light and elegant. The building plays an important role in creating the artistic-architectural face of street development.