4, Rome St.

Information in details

The building located at 4, Rome St. is an exemplary thing of Tbilisi architecture, which fully reflects the style and taste of Tbilisi life of the 20th century. The building was built in 1881 by Giorgi Kartvelishvili, a philanthropist, public figure and merchant of the first guild. Kartvelishvili's contribution to Georgian culture is very great. It was under his leadership that the Georgian version of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” was published, for which he invited the artist of the Russian Imperial Court, Mihai Zichy. Zichy worked in Kartvelishvili's house, in a studio specially arranged for him. Giorgi Kartvelishvili restored the destroyed Church of the Mother of God of Didube. He was a member of the Literacy Society and one of the sponsors. It is known that he gave all the copies of Kartvelishvili “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” to the mentioned society free of charge. In a way, his son Nikoloz Kartvelishvili, who received his musical education at the Paris Conservatory, continued his work. After returning to Tbilisi, he actively engaged in public activities. He created a team at his own expense, which held concerts in different cities of Georgia. Nikolozi led the Georgian Dramatic Society. It was under his conducting that the first Georgian opera "Christine" was staged. Nikoloz Kartvelishvili decided to reconstruct his father's house in 1902, for which he invited Georgian architect Svimon Kldiashvili. The building was designed in the European style and is considered one of the earliest samples of Tbilisi's modern Art Nouveau architecture. The building is impressive, both with the façade  decoration and the interior, which offers 3 completely unique painted spaces. It is known that theatrical performances and musical evenings of Kartvelishvili were held in these spaces. The building is also distinguished by the fact that it is the first example of Tbilisi architecture, which greets the visitor with a Georgian "Salami" at the entrance.