Gudiashvili Square

Information in details

1, Beglar Akhospireli Alley- 6, Gudiashvili Square, a large-scale three-story building is located at the intersection of Gudiashvili Square and Akhospireli Street. The facades divided by arched and rectangular openings and "tabulated" by the windows of the third floor attract attention with an artistic-architectural look that is quite foreign to Tiflis. The building, built at the beginning of the 20th century, should be classified stylistically as Art Nouveau, as evidenced by the hanging iron balcony, the artistically processed metal grill of the two-winged wooden door, and the railing of the marble staircase decorated with plant decor in the interior of the entrance hall. The building is important from the point of view of spatial planning of the given micro-district or, in general, city planning; It largely determines the artistic-architectural appearance of the square and the street. As it became clear during the rehabilitation works carried out on Gudiashvili Square in 2018, most of the residential houses are built on old foundations and contain one- and two-level basement systems of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Under the buildings of different periods of the 19th century, old stalls of various purposes, or their fragments, were discovered on the basement floor. Interesting archaeological material was also found in the basement of the house in question, among them, a late medieval ceramic vessel with a handle depicting the face of a bearded man; He was conditionally called "a man from Tbilisi".