Cotton Row st.

Information in details

The old caravanserai known as "Mantashev Row" located at 7, Cotton Row and 6, Z. Gamsakhurdia Embankment was built in 1903 according to the project of architect Ghazar Sarkissian by the order of Alexander Mantashev, a Tbilisi businessman, merchant of the first guild and one of the oil tycoons. In the cotton row were the caravans of Shadinov, Shioev and the Mailov brothers, thus it can be said that "Mantashev Rows" was a unique shopping centre. consists of two style buildings; Both of them follow the curve of the street. One volume of "Mantashev Rows" is separated from the former Artsruni caravanserai, and the other is perceived as a dividing line between Cotton Row and Sharden Street, the former Dark Row. The facades are divided by the openings of the old shops, and the main artistic accent of the shopping row is the asymmetrically placed risalite on the facade of the adjoining building of the Artsruni Caravanserai. A monumental capstone depicting the face of a bearded man is capping the eye-catching massive capital of the Risalite flat-headed arch. Above the wide lancet window of the second floor is the explanatory Russian inscription of the building "МАНТАШЕВСКИЕ РЯДЬ". "Mantashev Rows" is one of the outstanding examples of Tbilisi's urban architecture, it plays an important role in the urban fabric of this micro-district through urban planning.