Privacy/Personal Data Protection Policy

The Privacy/Personal Data Protection Policy document aims to explain how personal data of registered individuals ("User") on ("Website") is processed.

The terms used in the document have the meaning defined by the Law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection" and other legislative acts.
For the purposes of this policy, the person responsible for data processing is JSC "Silknet", I/N: 204566978, address: Tbilisi, Chugureti district, Tsinamdzgvrishvili st. №95.

The policy applies to Silknet's processing of personal data of website users.

Description of processed data
"Silknet" will process the following personal data of website users: name, surname, sex, country (place of residence), age, phone number, e-mail.

Purposes of personal data processing
JSC "Silknet" will use the user's personal data for the following purpose:
    • To enable registered users to access various website functions, such as saving their browsing history, including favorite sites, viewing shared impressions, and accessing customer support services.
    • For the research and development of the technical functionality of the website.

Disclosure of data to third parties
The information containing the user's personal data collected by JSC "Silknet" is confidential. "Silknet" does not transfer user data to third parties, except for the cases established by the legislation of Georgia.

Data processing by an authorized person
The data is processed in accordance with the rules and prohibitions established by the law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection".

In case of relevant need, if within the scope of website updating/technical support works, it becomes necessary to disclose information containing personal data to the authorized person(s) and/or grant them the right of access, data disclosure/granting the right of access to them will be done only based on the written agreement between JSC "Silknet" and the relevant authorized person. This agreement will outline the obligation of the authorized person to process the data solely for the purposes defined for the technical support of the website and/or the user, in strict compliance with the rules established by the law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection."

Data transfer to another country and/or international organization
Data processed by the Personal Data Protection Service through the website will not be transferred to another state and/or international organization.

Data storage and security
In case of registration, JSC "Silknet" will process the information containing the personal data provided by the user throughout the duration of the user's registration.

Personal data may be retained for the duration of potential legal obligations, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Silknet has a dedicated security team that is constantly working to improve security measures to protect users' personal data from unauthorized or illegal access, accidental loss, disclosure or destruction.

Following information security policies and procedures, Silknet has implemented appropriate organizational and technical measures, periodically assessed for effectiveness through internal and external audits.

User rights (data subject rights)
The user (data subject) has the right to:
    • To access their personal data, request correction, updates, or deletion. They also possess other rights, such as the ability to decline consent for the processing or sharing of their personal data.
    • To request information about their data processing, including details on what data is processed, the purpose of data processing, legal basis, data collection methods, recipients of the data, and the basis and purpose of data disclosure.
    • The user has the right to withdraw their consent at any time without providing an explanation. They can request the termination of data processing and/or the destruction of the processed data.

To delete personal data provided by the website, please write to us by e-mail:

Restriction of user (data subject) rights
According to the legislation of Georgia, the rights of the user (data subject) may be limited if this is stipulated by the laws of Georgia or if the exercise of these rights may pose a risk to:

    • Information security and/or cyber security interests;
    • Crime prevention, crime investigation, criminal prosecution, administration of justice, execution of imprisonment and restriction of liberty, execution of non-custodial sentences and probation, operative-search activities;
    • The rights and freedoms of the data subject (user) and others;
    • Substantiating a legal claim or statement of Defense .

The relevant restriction measure may be applied only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the restriction.

Additional information
This Privacy/Personal Data Protection Policy document is subject to revision, and appropriate changes and additions will be made as necessary.

Privacy/Personal Data Protection Policy