Shota Rustaveli Avenue

Information in details

The building located at 16,  Rustaveli Ave. was built for the artistic circle of Tbilisi - "Kruzhok" in 1916 according to the project of architect Davit Chisliev. Since 1918, in the basement of the building, the cafe "Argonavtta Navi" was held, which the artists Kirill Zdanevich, Lado Gudiashvili and Aleksandre Bazhbeuk-Melikov painted. During the Soviet period, the house of officers of the Transcaucasian military district was located here - with a cinema hall. The building is a sample of European neoclassicism, where features characteristic of the Renaissance and Baroque styles are used; Both the overall price composition and the interior are important. It is known that the sculptors I. Nikoladze and D. Gigauri  worked here. To this day, the decorated central hall has been preserved in the interior of the building in an authentic form. Unfortunately, the unique painting in the basement of the building was vandalized a few years ago.