G.Leonidze Street

Information in details

The original project of the house of pharmacist Ferdinand Oten, located at 8, Leonidze St. was approved by P. Zurabiani  the architect of the self-governing district of the city, on May 1, 1901. At the end of the 19th century, Oten's name is associated with the extraction of drinking water from Avchala in Tbilisi. Oten conducted analyzes of drinking water - on the basis of his conclusions, it was decided to build the mentioned water pipeline. Oten's residential house is one of the outstanding architectural buildings in Sololaki district. The authentic look of its facade, inner courtyard and entrance have been preserved, the overall spatial-volumetric structure of the building has not been affected by changes. The old wall and spring in the courtyard of the house provide us with additional, important information about the architectural details of the buildings of the beginning of the 20th century.