Information in details

The former Transcaucasian Noble Women's Institute, located at 4, Chitadze Street, was built in 1888-1890 by one of the most prolific architects of the empire, Robert Gedika.

As it turns out from archival materials, in 1846, the city architect Giovanni Scudieri was commissioned to draw up a building project and cost estimates for the Institute of Noble Women, but he did not finish the project. Later, in 1853, the Tbilisi gubernatorial architect Timothy Bello created the project of the building, although the final construction was carried out according to the project of Robert Gedika. The construction was led by the German architect Albert Salzmann.

Elements of the composition of the eastern facade of the Samtavisi temple are used on the upper, central part of the heavily raked rhizolite of the building's facade.  It is the best example of the so-called "Georgian style", which clearly reflects the line of development of Georgian secular architecture. The building, in its independent form, is one of the outstanding examples of Tbilisi architecture.