Shota Rustaveli Ave

Information in details

The "Imel" building located at 29, Rustaveli Ave. the former Institute of Marxism-Leninism, the author of the project of which was the famous Russian architect and academician Alexander Shchusev (the main architect of the construction activity was N. Severov, and the head of construction was K. Moretti) was built in 1933-1938 . With the mentioned work, the author presented a synthesis of classical and national heritage, or a kind of compositional techniques in architecture, due to which the building became one of the important examples of the architecture of the Soviet period in Tbilisi. On the façade there are  reliefs of Georgian sculptors I. Nikoladze and T. Abakelia. In 1938, the building of the Imel Institute was commissioned. The volume of Imel was 75,000 m3 and it cost 14 million manats. A. Shchusev was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1941 for the construction of the building.