Liberty Square

Information in details

One of the city's outstanding historical buildings located at 4, Liberty Square was built between 1824-1929. It is an important example of classicism and is the oldest among the remaining official buildings in Tbilisi. Initially, the city self-government bodies were located in the building and it was called "City Hall". Later, the district headquarters of the Caucasus Army - "the headquarters of the troops of the Southern District of Transcaucasia" - was located here, and in the Soviet period, the military prosecutor's office was housed here. Since 1972, the state design institute "Sakshakhtprojekti" has been operating in the building. Currently, the building is of the business center type and is mainly used for leasing office spaces. The large-scale and strictly symmetrical three-story gray building is an example of early Russian classicism. The main motif of the facade leading to the square is a two-story portico immersed in the plane of the building. The semicircular arch characteristic of the classicism of the first floor is extended by the portico of the second and third floors, which is formed by six Tuscan columns of the gigantic Ionic order. The composition ends not with the usual pediment, but with a tower covered with a parapet, which has clock openings on all four sides. The clock was installed on the tower in 1829. The clock tower still remains on the building (without the clock).