Shota Rustaveli Ave

Information in details

The building located at 13, Rustaveli Ave. one of the most famous hotels, the current "Tbilisi Marriott", is the historical hotel "Majestic". In 1910, the project of the hotel was drawn up by the architect from Tbilisi, Alexander Ozerov, on the order of Mikael Aramiants, a merchant of the first guild. The building was partially built when the client decided to change it and a new project was prepared by the architect Gabriel Ter-Michelov. The construction, which was completed in 1915, was carried out according to Mikhelov's project. During the First World War, the building housed a military hospital. Furniture and inventory for the hotel were ordered from Sweden. "Majestic" was one of the main hotels of the city, which was arranged according to the European style, it is known that the customer changed the plan of the first floor during the construction and wanted to place a cinema in it instead of a kitchen. After Sovietization, the hotel was closed and the "Labor Palace" functioned in it. In 1935, the building was returned to its original purpose, for the reconstruction of which the architect Ter-Michelov was again invited. Since 1939, the hotel "Tbilisi" has been in it. During the 1990s war in Tbilisi, the building was burnt down, its reconstruction was carried out later and the hotel "Tbilisi Marriott" was located in it.