Shota Rustaveli Ave

Information in details

The building located at 15, Rustaveli Ave. is one of the oldest buildings in the development of the avenue. As we understand from the archival material, the owner of the building was Mukhraneli. We learn about this from periodicals, where it is indicated that German Gegel's shop was functioning on the first floor of the Mukhransky house on Golovin Street. German Gegel was one of the serious shop owners of that period, who traded in weapons. In his shop, it was possible to find various types of weapons, both hunting and "vintovka" (a rifle) and others. In the advertising statement, it is also indicated that a tool workshop was also functioning near the store. That is, it is clear that the first floor was not only used for shopping. It is possible that the workshop functioned on the second floor as well. In the artistic processing of the main facade of the building, elements characteristic of the Renaissance, Baroque, and Empire styles are used.