Petre Melikishvili ave

Information in details

The three-story residence, the so-called income house, located at 13,  P. Melikishvili Avenue, was built according to the 1902 project of Svimon Kldiashvili, the first Georgian architect with a professional education, commissioned by Mose Kaziev. Inspired by baroque and classicism, the richly decorated eclectic facade Draws attention and plays a dominant role in creating the artistic-architectural face of the existing development. The overall structure of the facade composition, despite the abundance of plastic decoration concentrated around the door and window openings, is graceful and elegant. An orderly and orderly facade provides symmetry, as well as the arrangement of metal openwork balconies and rectangular and arched openings. logic, both decorative pilasters and a central parapet accented with a curvilinear pediment. The building with the plan of the Latin letter "U" contains all the traditional components of the spatial organization of the Tbilisi residential house and is one of its important examples.