M.Lermontov St.

Information in details

A quite large residential house standing at the intersection of 2, Lermontov St. and Gudiashvili Square was built in 1896, as the inscription on the pediment informs us. Here are the initials of the alleged owner of the given house - "А.G." Eclectic facades built on Baroque motifs are richly decorated with sculptural ornaments - pedimented capitals decorated with garlands of window openings, rusted pilasters, balustraded parapets, and iron openwork balconies. However, the main merit of the building is its spatial-planning structure. The open inner courtyard "merged" with the volume of the longitudinal facade on the side of Lermontov Street pleasantly surprises the visitor. The small and cozy yard used to be opened with wooden balconies on the entire perimeter of both floors. Despite the fact that the balconies are partially glazed and glass-covered, the courtyard still makes an impression today. The wooden spiral staircase leading to the second floor adds to its special charm. This building significantly determines the artistic-architectural appearance of the existing development.