D. Agmashenebeli Avenue

Information in details

The earliest part of the two-story brick building located in D. Agmashenebeli Avenue #148 dates back to the 60s of the 19th century. It was a cadet school that opened in January 1866 as a temporary cadet school. In 1919, on the initiative of General Giorgi Kvinitadze, the cadet school was transformed into a military school. The main architectural feature of the symmetrical facade of the eclectic style is a small portal protruding in front, in which the main entrance is cut. The rusty wall, the pilasters, and the decorative decor of the triangular pediment are made of brick piles. The third floor, slightly deeper than the outer contour of the building, covered with plaster, was built a little later, in the first half of the 20th century. Despite the different textures, by synchronizing the facade decoration, a certain integrity is achieved in the artistic appearance of the building.