Davit Agmashenebeli Ave

Information in details

At 138, Agmashenebeli Ave., a brick-built residential house with a Latin L-shaped plan faces Davit Agmashenebeli Avenue with the main facade. The building at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century is characterized by eclectic aesthetics. The central section of the neoclassical-style facade is occupied by balconies "sunk" in the plane of the second and third-floor walls. It is worth noting that the balcony with wooden columns and water-ornamental decorative arches had a metal railing, which is a rather rare solution. In addition, its curvilinear ornamentation stylistically indicates the influence of modern Art Nouveau, as well as the only sculptural image of a man's head that has come down to us. The bearded man's painted face and facial expressions are the bearers of Ar Nouveau aesthetics. As a result of the rehabilitation in the 2010s, the building returned to its original appearance according to old photographs. Like the old Tbilisi tradition, the house has an inner courtyard with wooden balconies.