Agmashenebeli Ave.

Information in details

A strikingly voluminous five-story building is located at 2-8, Agmashenebeli Ave. and faces Saarbrucken Square with its main facade. Due to its dimensions and spatial-planning structure, it has a dominant importance and is noteworthy from the point of view of city planning. It is too large for the existing historical development. And the imposing-looking building is designed in the Stalinist "Empire" style. The imposingness of the building is supported by the massive attic floor, the rusted first floor painted in gray paint, and first of all, the symmetrical main facade opened by an arched portico and the colossal half-columns of the order created on Egyptian lotus motifs rising above it. The side facades are also divided by powerful pilasters and the rhythm of window openings. The spatial-planning structure of the building also deserves attention. The inner courtyard of the building with the outline of the Latin grapheme "U", in particular, the upper four floors of the building, It opens to the side of the Riv. Mtkvari. The wings located in the yard are connected to each other by a bridge. The entrances to the house are plain, with a stone staircase and metal railings, and the main vestibule follows the Stalinist "Empire" style; The massive marble Corinthian columns and coffered ceiling attract attention here. Famous Georgian actors of the 20th century Akaki Khorava and Akaki Vasadze lived in this house.