Davit gmashenebeli Ave

Information in details

The two-story residential house located at 28, Agmashenebeli Ave.is one of the oldest buildings on this street, which should belong to the second half of the 19th century. The original owner of the building was Grigor Vartanov. According to the story, the Vartanov family was engaged in dyeing. During one of the renovation works, a chess-type mosaic was found under the floor on the first floor (which was later covered with a wooden floor). Probably, the original owner had opened a painting shop-workshop in this section. The number of the store remained on the facade of the first floor until recently. The second floor of the building was the residence of the Vartanovs. The facade of the building is decorated with stylistically classicist elements, the main accent of which is the open work wooden balcony suspended in the center. Massive, five Doric columns, hold the roof worked with wooden coils and divide the common space of the balcony. Between the columns, open work painted wooden decorative boards are inserted. The painting is characterized by a kind of clarity in which circular, probably solar motifs are used. Also open work decorative vertical boards are inserted at the capitals of the balcony columns. In fact, open work occupies a large part of the balcony and determines its special artistic expression. According to historical photographs, the facade of the inner courtyard of the building was finished with a mezzanine. Based on the artistic-stylistic analysis, the building belongs to the second half of the 19th century, which plays an important role not only in the artistic historical image of the avenue, but also in the district.