Davit Agmashenebeli Ave

Information in details

The residential house located at 93, Agmashenebeli Ave. was built in 1904, and information about its owner can be found in the initials located on the opposite side of the third floor of the house. The owner of the building was Tskaloba Abasov, a fish merchant. 
The three-story house is finished with a lunette attic in the central part. The facade on the main street is richly decorated. The facade loaded with flower garlands, caryatids and sculptural reliefs of child angels is characterized by baroque-eclectic style. 
The entrance door of the hall is on the first floor, on the right side of the building. (The existing wooden door was replaced with an exact copy made according to the old model during the restoration works in 2011). 
The entrance hall is completely painted on all three floors. The painting was made in 1905 by the well-known artist Benedikt Tallingater (Beno Tallingater worked as a decorator of Tbilisi houses and theaters in Baku) and by De Marzo. The artists signature and date is placed to the left of the front door.