D. Aghmashenebeli Ave

Information in details

The two-story building of the end of the 19th century, located at 174, D. Aghmashenebeli Ave., faces the avenue with a narrow courtyard-square of the cour d'honneur  type. The building, decorated with Renaissance-Baroque architectural elements, bears signs of eclecticism. The main facade, devoid of an axis of symmetry, attracts attention with vertical divisions. It combines the risalite pediments of the level and the narrow wall planes between them. This building is important from the point of view of urban planning; Along the red line of the street, it plays the role of a kind of pause in the row of buildings standing in a row. The building is completely organically inscribed in the general urban context of the area; Proportional or large-scale, artistic-stylistic or spatial-organizational point of view, it is inseparable from the historical development of the street.