Davit Agmashenebeli Ave

Information in details

The history of " J. Kakhidze Tbilisi Musical and Cultural Center " located at 123, Agmashenebeli Ave. has  quite a long history, starting from the beginning of the last century. In 1915, the "Palace" cinema was opened here. In 1918-1921, there were more than twenty cinemas in Georgia: "Apollo", "Palace", "Odeon", "Coliseum", "Muse", "Moulin-Electric", "Kinotitanik", "Illusion", "Amirani" and others. American, Italian, French, German, and Russian films imported from abroad were shown in Tbilisi cinemas. Vivien Marten, Mozhukhin, Lysenk, and Maria Karm starred in the films. In the films shot in Moscow, mainly participated Georgian actors: Lado Alexi-Meshkhishvili, Barbara Alexi-Meshkhishvili, Tamar Gedevanishvili, Nikoloz Tsereteli, and others. In 1930-1931, "Palasi" cinema was transformed into "Amirani" cinema. And, in the second half of the 20th century, J. Kakhidze Tbilisi Music and Cultural Center was opened. It is significant that the first floor of the old building and its unique interior, which, like European public buildings, offer a very interesting picture, were completely preserved during the reconstruction. Tbilisi Music and Cultural Center was founded in 1989. The idea of its creation appeared in 1976 and it belongs to the prominent Georgian conductor and public figure, Jansug Kakhidze. It was his idea to create a hall that would create a suitable space for symphonic music. It is significant that the old building was not sacrificed for the implementation of this idea, but it was included as much as possible in the context of the new space (authors of the architectural project L. Medzmariashvili, M. Chachanidze). J. Kakhidze Music Center plays a major role in the cultural life of the city.