Davit Agmashenebeli Ave

Information in details

The artistic-architecturally significant building located at 113, D. Agmashenebeli Ave. is one of the outstanding ones on Davit Agmashenebeli Ave., it makes a significant contribution to the creation of the architectural appearance of the avenue. The house was built in 1904, as the inscription on the facade informs us. The facade of the three-story building is baroque-rococo eclectic. It is a striking example, it is richly decorated with decorative elements and ornaments, including pilasters of various orders, mascarons with lion heads or female heads, balconies with stonework or metal openwork railings, frieze decorated with plant ornaments, parapets with pediments. On the facade, there are also images of griffins and small putti figures holding garlands. But the distinctive feature of the facade decoration is still the half-body sculptured Atlanteans of the first floor, who "hold" the consoles of the balcony of the second floor (on the other hand, the mentioned part of the house is completely changed and distorted). The interior of the entrance deserves attention, it is richly decorated with sculptural elements, arched niches, and pilasters. A two-flight marble staircase is flanked by wrought-iron balustrades.