Davit Agmashenebeli Ave

Information in details

The two-story modern Art Nouveau building at the intersection of 133, Agmashenebeli Avenue  and 11, Kargareteli St.  was built in 1908. The building with a Latin letter U-shaped plan occupies a large area, is equally visible from all sides, and plays a dominant role. The house is undoubtedly important from the point of view of urban planning, especially since the richly decorated facades of the modern "Art Nouveau" style immediately attract attention. The building is an interesting example of the Art Nouveau style in the urban architecture of Tbilisi. Its sophisticated architectural style is typical of the modern "Art Nouveau" style. The plastic decor loaded with elements and various stylized plant motifs plays an essential role in forming the artistic face of this section of the avenue. In the 2010s, two floors in the language of modern architecture were built on the building, which, unfortunately, reduced and flattened the historical building, significantly changing its proportions and losing its expressiveness.