Davit Agmashenebeli Ave

Information in details

The building located at 24, Agmashenebeli Ave. is on the corner of Rome Street and Agmashenebeli Ave. At first glance, it is an extension of the building located at 4, Rome Street, however, it is a completely independent building. The facade of the building is accented with eclectic, stylistically pseudo-classical, renaissance elements. The composition of the facade of the building is symmetrical. The first floor from the Agmashenebeli Avenue side has been changed by subsequent renovations - a rectangular door and a wide rectangular opening have been cut. There is also a wooden door to the entrance. On the second floor, there is a pair of rectangular, plain front windows. At the corner of the street, the facade of the building is cut off, the volume of the facade is flattened, which ends with an attic decorated with an ornamental relief.